Salafism Revisited: Some of You Lot Still Don’t Get It

Well, it’s taken me a while to get this done—just a little over two years, to be exact. This one’s a bit of a doozy too at 31 pages (32 if you include the cover), over double the length of its predecessor, Salafism, Do You Really Get It? An Actual Methodology or Merely Empty Slogans? As was the case when I first published Salafism, Do You Really Get It? in 2009, I’m not quite sure how this article (or book as my wife and daughter jokingly call it) will be received. About a decade and a half has gone by since the first installment, a heck of a lot has gone on since then. Sadly, however, a lot of things still remain the same, albeit with a different cast of actors and strangely, on a much larger stage (a lot of what was witnessed and experienced mainly among Salafis in the late 1990s and early 2000s is now being seen throughout Western culture, both Muslim and non-Muslim, e.g., extreme partisanship and division, outrage culture, cancel culture, etc.). As the old adage goes, the more things change, the more they stay the same.

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